Popular Kannada actor Chiranjeevi Sarja passed away at a hospital in Bengaluru on Sunday afternoon, reports said. He was 39. The actor was hospitalised in an unresponsive state on Sunday after he complained of breathlessness and suffered convulsions, a report in The Hindu said.
Doctors failed to resuscitate him, and he was declared dead on Sunday at 3.48 pm, the report added. Though doctors suspected cardiac arrest as the likely cause of Chiranjeevi Sarja's demise, Covid-19 test was also being conducted, the report added.
Chiranjeevi Sarja made his debut with Kannada film "Vayuputra" in 2009 and went on to act in 22 projects in his career. He is married to Kannada actress Meghana Raj.
He hailed from an illustrious family of cinema biggies. He was the grandson of veteran Kannada actor Shakti Prasad, the brother of actor Dhruva Sarja and the nephew of actor Arjun Sarja.
He hailed from an illustrious family of cinema biggies. He was the grandson of veteran Kannada actor Shakti Prasad, the brother of actor Dhruva Sarja and the nephew of actor Arjun Sarja.