Bhagat Jaidev Ji is among the 15 Bhagats whose hymns Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji included in Sri Adi Granth Sahib compiled by him. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji in addition to his own hymns and the hymns of his four predecessor Gurus included the hymns of 15 bhagats, 11 bhatts and four others closely associated with the Sikh Gurus. These 15 Bhagats include: (i)Bhagat Jaidev Ji (ii) Sheikh Farid Ji (iii) Bhagat Trilochan Ji (iv) Bhagat Namdev Ji (v) Bhagat Sadhna Ji (vi) Bhagat Ramanand Ji (vii)Bhagat Ravidas Ji (viii) Bhagat Kabir Ji (ix) Bhagat Sain Ji (x) Bhagat Dhanna Ji (xi) Bhagat Pipa Ji (xii) Bhagat Beni Ji (xiii) Bhagat Shikhan Ji (xiv) Bhagat Surdas Ji and (xv) Bhagat Parmanand Ji Thus, it is clear that this Holy Scripture includes the hymns of Hindu and Muslim saints belonging to various castes and creeds.
In Sri Adi Granth Sahib, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji added the hymns of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and this Holy Scripture is now known as Sri Guru Granth Sahib and is the eternal Guru of the Sikhs.In Sri Guru Granth Sahib two hymns of Bhagat Jaidev Ji have been included, one hymn in Raag Gujri (SGGS,526) and one hymn in Raag Maru (SGGSP,P.1106) in Sanskrit and Prakrits languages. It may be added here that prakrits are a group of vernacular middle Indo-Aryan languages used in India from around the 3rd Century BCE to the 8th century BCE. The word Prakrit is usually applied to the middle period of Middle Indo-Aryan languages excluding earlier inscriptions and the later Pali. Sanskrit originated in 600 BCE and Prakrit originated around 250 BCE.
Bhagat Jaidev Ji was born in the village Kenduli in District Birbhum of West Bengal. His father Bhoja Deva Ji was a Brahman and mother was Radhadevi Ji deciphered as Rama Devi Ji . Piara Singh Padam and others in Guru Granth Sanket Kosh have mentioned that he was a Bengali poet born in village Kenduli in District Birbhum of West Bengal who is well known for his poetic composition in Sanskrit language titled "Geeta Govinda" .There is some difference of opinion about the date of birth and life span of Bhagat Jaidev Ji. According to Satbir Singh he was born approximately in the third decade of 12th century.
Bhagat Jaidev Ji was born in the village Kenduli in District Birbhum of West Bengal. His father Bhoja Deva Ji was a Brahman and mother was Radhadevi Ji deciphered as Rama Devi Ji . Piara Singh Padam and others in Guru Granth Sanket Kosh have mentioned that he was a Bengali poet born in village Kenduli in District Birbhum of West Bengal who is well known for his poetic composition in Sanskrit language titled "Geeta Govinda" .There is some difference of opinion about the date of birth and life span of Bhagat Jaidev Ji. According to Satbir Singh he was born approximately in the third decade of 12th century.
Sarbjinder Singh gives the date of birth of Bhagat Jai Dev Ji as 1245 A.D. Tript Kaur believes that Bhagat Jaidev Ji, was born around 1150 A.D. because he was among the five courtier poets of Raja Lachhman Sain, the then King of Bengal whose reign span was 1179-1205 A.D. According to this fact Bhagat Jaidev Ji's date of birth should be considered as 1150 A.D. because he must have become the courtier poet of Raja Lachhman Sain around the age of 30 years. Some scholars believe that he flourished during the reign of Raja Purushottam Dev (1469-97 A.D.) of Orissa.
Bhagat Jaidev Ji left for his heavenly abode at the age of 72 years. If one considers 1150 A.D. as his date of birth, his date of leaving for the heavenly abode may be said to be 1222 A.D. Although there is difference of opinion about the date of birth and life span of Bhagat Jaidev Ji, there is consensus of opinion about his place of birth i.e village Kenduli, District Birbhum of West Bengal and the names of his parents.
Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha also confirms these two facts i.e. his place of birth and parentage.Bhagat Jaidev Ji was well versed in Prakrit and Sanskrit languges . His famous books include "Geet Govinda", "Hasan Raghav" and "Chander Lok".
He belonged to Vaishnav Sect and in the beginning believed in idol worship and was a follower of Sri Krishan Ji but later he started believing in the formless God Almighty. He was a wandering ascetic liked lonely places and believed in going on pilgrimages. During his wandering tours he kept a garva (medium size pitcher – like metal vessel) and one godri (ragged or patched blanket) with him. He did not believe in associating himself with any person or object and did not spend more then one day at any place.Once when he was visiting Jagannath Puri in Orissa he came across an Agnihotri Brahman who had reached there to immolate (sacrifice) his young and beautiful daughter named Padmavati. It is said that some supernatural voice was heard that he should get his daughter married to Bhagat Jaidev Ji. As such he married Padmanti Ji to Bhagat Jaidev Ji and the couple started living in Birhbhum. When he sang religious songs Padmavati Ji Joinded him in this activity.
The central point in Bhagat Jai Dev Ji's hymns is God Almighty. In one hymn ( SGGS,P.526) he has expressed his views about the charactertics of God Almighty, emphasizing that He is the embodiment of Supreme bliss and by remembering Him one can get rid of all types of fears and worries. This hymn is as follows:
goojaree sree jaidhev jeeau kaa padhaa ghar chauthhaa
ik Oankaar satigur prasaadh ||
paramaadh purakhamanopima (n) sat aadh bhaav
rata(n) ||
paramadhabhuta(n) parakirat para (n) jadhichi (n)t
sarab gata(n) ||1||
keval raam naam manorama(n) ||
badh a (n) mirat tat mia (n) ||
n dhanot jasamaranen janam jaraadh maran bhia(n)
||1|| rahaau ||
eichhas jamaadh paraabhaya(n)
jas savaisat sukirat kirata(n) ||
bhav bhoot bhaav samabiyea(n) parama(n)
prasa(n)namidha(n) ||2||
lobhaadh dhirasaT par giraha(n) jadhibidh
aacharana(n) ||
taj sakal dhuhakirat dhuramatee bhaj chakaradhar
sarana(n) ||3||
har bhagat nij nihakevalaa ridh karamanaa bachasaa ||
jogen ki(n) jagen ki(n) dhaanen ki(n) tapasaa ||4||
gobi(n)dh gobi(n)dhet jap nar sakal sidh padha(n) ||
jaidhev aaiau tas safuTa(n) bhav bhoot sarab gata(n)
The English translation of this hymn is that in the very beginning, was the Primal Lord, unrivalled, the Lover of the Truth and other virtues. By remembering. Him, all are emancipated. Dwell only upon the beauteous Name of the Lord, the embodiment of ambrosial vector and reality. Remembering Him in meditation, the fear of birth, old age and death will not trouble you. It you want to escape the fear of the messenger of Death then praise the Lord joyfully, and do good deeds. In the past, present and future, He is always the same. He is the embodiment of Spreme bliss. If you seek the path of good conduct, for sake greed, and do not look upon other men's women and property, renounce all evil actions and evil inclinations, and hurry to the sanctuary of the Lord. You will achieve emancipation.
You should worship the immaculate lord, in thought, word and deed. What is the use of practicing Yoga, giving feasts of charity , and practicing penance? Meditate on the Lord of the Universe, O man; He is the source of all the spiritual powers of the Siddhas. He says that I have Openly come to Him:
He is the salvation of all, in the past, present and future.
In other words Bhagat Jaidev Ji has emphasized that even when the world did not exist, even then the ' Parmadi Purakh' i.e the great Purakh of the immemorial times existed, meaning thereby that God Almighty has existed since times immemorial. He is so great, and all pervading that he is beyond our comprehension.
Therefore, we cannot compare Him with any person or power. He is beyond any type of praise. Because He is True so He likes truthfulness. His form and existence are beyond our comprehension. The existence of multifarious beings, plants and natural sceneries are beyond any human being's power of thinking.
One can emancipate himself contracting on His Name. God has existed in the past, exists in the present and will exist in the future for all times to come. He is beyond destruction. He is beyond birth and death. He is free from all types of worries, fears and material objects. whereas every human being is engrossed in these. Only He can give a person pleasure. He is the master of mundane as well as miraculous powers No other power is capable of giving anything. He is the giver of the all objective. All the four material things religion sex wealth and emancipation only He can give. Bhagat Jaidev Ji tells us that he has entered His fold who can emancipate now, and in the past also he could emancipate soul in the future.He is all pervasive, By concentrating on His name one can get rid of the fears of birth, old age, messenger of death and death. We should do good deeds and lead a moral life. Without leading a moral life one cannot attain religious heights.
We should do honest labour and evade immoral acts. We should get rid of greed, men should stop looking at women other than his wife and women should stop looking at men other than her own husband and unowed property.We should worship God in thoughts, in deeds and in utterances. We Should not involve ourselves in these three –yoga, yaggs, charity and austerities.Talking about the practice of Pranayama Bhagat Jaidev Ji says that the yogis who believe in attaining God through these practices can attain Him through worshipping God.
(Bhagt Jaidev Ji's hymn in Raag Maroo SGGS No 6) is as follows: Within my mind, I chant the Name of the Primal Lord God, the Source of virtue. My vision, that You are 1 and cannot be separated, has become firm in my mind. I worship the One who is worthy of being worshiped. I trust the One who is worthy of being trusted. Like water merging in water, I have merged in the Lord I meditate and contemplate the Luminous, triumphant Lord. I am lovingly absorbed in the Nirvaana of God.
Bhagat Jai Dev Ji explains that yogi believe that through Yog –sadhne concentration of mind is achieved. He describes that there are three nerves- ira , Sukhmana and Pingla.
The Yogis believe that Through ira the breath is inhaled in Sukhmana breath is held and through pingla the breath is exhaled by repeating the word Om sixteen times. Through this the power of evil thoughts is destroyed and thereby the mind which was shapeless become shapely and its real form comes forward.
The naam-nector which was impossible to drink was drunk. But after expelling the system of yog mat, Bhagat Jaidev Ji emphasizes that the real method to concentrate the mind can be achieved through praising God. By this way like water merging in water a person becomes one with God.
Sri Guru Ram Das Ji, and Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji have praised Bhagat Jaidev Ji. Sri Guru Ram Das Ji (SGGS P.835) including the name of Jai Dev Ji the name of has emphasized that a persons belonging to any the caste can get salvation by worshipping God. According to Gurbani a person cannot achieve salvation just because he is a Brahman. A person born in whatever caste can get salvation by worshipping God. As such Bhagat Jaidev Ji, Kabir Sahib, Bhagat Trilochan Ji, Bhagat Ravidas Ji, Bhagat Dhanna Ji, and Bhagat Sain Ji were salvaged Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji (SGGS,P1192) while praising Bhagat Jaidev Ji Says that through giving up pride one get salvation Bhagat Jaidev Ji gave up pride and became one with God Almighty.Therefore until pride exists in the mind of a person in quantity one cannot become one with Him. Referring to Bhagat Jaidev Ji and Bhagat Sain Ji, Sri Guru Arjan Dev JI emphasises that we should also enter the fold of God Almighty and not involve ourselves in evil deeds.
Bhatt Sahibans – Bhat Jalap Ji ( SGGS P,1394) and Bhatt Bal Ji ( SGGS P,1405) emphasize that it was due to the worship of God and receiving knowledge from Satguru the Bhagats of all ages (Yugas) are worthy of praise.
Both these Bhagat include the name of Bhagat Jaidev JI among the Bhagats. Bhai Gurdas Ji in his Vaar10, Pauri 10 explains a very interesting anecdote about Bhagat Jai Dev Ji. He says that one day Bhagat Jaidev Ji Whie writing his composition " Geet Govinda" which is about the wonderful feats of Sri Krishan Ji was singing and praising Sri Krishan Ji. At one place he was not able to identify proper words.
He stopped writing and went for a bath. According to the katha (anecdote) God Almighty Himself came in the form of Bhagat Jaidev Ji and entered the proper words and left Bhagat Jaidev Ji on his return was overjoyed. When he went outside his house he was surprized to see that on the leaves of a tree the whole
composition of " Geet Govinda" was inscribed. According of Bhai Gurdas Ji, Bhagat Jaidev Ji got a holy glimpse of God Almighty who embraced Bhagat Jai Dev Ji. Bhagat Jaidev Ji yearned For God Almighty's holy glim therefore the came and honoured Govind.
Bhai Gurdas Ji in his Vaar 23 Pauri 15, has emphasized that Bhagat Jai Dev Ji ws emancipated through Satsangat. Bhai Darbari Das has explained the same anecdote of in another way. He says that Bhagat Jai Dev Ji in "Geet Govind" while writing about Krishan –Radhika. He could not find proper words. He handed over his papers to his wife and went for a bath. In his absence Thakur Ji came in the shape of Bhai Jaidev Ji and entered the needful words. On his return when he asked his wife as to who had written these words the wife replied that you yourself had returned and entered these words. Bhagat Jai Dev Ji He Almighty. He said to his wife – I am happy that you are my wife. The God Almighty has blessed you Ram came by changing his form. Your deeds are blessed.
Giani Pratap Singh referring to the writer of Bhagat Mall has described Bhagat Jaidev Ji as a prophet to poetry and a treasury of ragaaas.
In conclusion it may be said that Bhagat Jai Dev Ji has tried to convince us that by worshipping God and evading evil deeds we can achieve salvation.
Reference used in this. write up include (i) Encyclopaedia of Sikhims published
by Punjabi University, Patiala, Part II (ii) Mahan kosh by Bhai Kahan Singh
Nabha (2004) (iii) Pandran Bhagat Sahiban By Sukhdev Singh Shant (2018)
(iv) Divine Revelation by Sarbjinder Singh (v) Parchian Bhagtan Kian By
Darbari Das ( Bhai) editor, Gurcharan Singh Sek (1994) (vi) Piara Singh Padam
and Other's composition Guru Granth Sanket Kosh (1994) (vii) Tript Kaur's
book Bhagat Bani (1998) (viii) Bhai Gurdas Ji's Varaan Gian Ratnavil
(ix) Satbir Singh's article in the book by Roop Singh (Editor), Se Bhagat
Satguru Man Bhai Ji and (x) Giani Pratap Singh's book Bhagat Darshan (1994).
Dr. Amrit Kaur
Retd. Professor
Punjabi University
Patiala, Punjab, India