
Omega-3 Rich Foods: Not Just Fish, Here Are Top 5 Rich Vegan And Vegetarian Sources Of Omega-3

November 20, 2021 10:52 AM

Can Omega-3 be had as supplements if you are vegan?

Nutritional guidelines recommend that every individual aim to have around 1.2g to 1.8g of Omega-3 fatty acid content on a daily basis. People suffering from certain health conditions may be advised to opt for higher doses to suit their needs. Now, while people with extreme deficiencies are often asked to rely on supplementations solely, it's also a tall misconception that Omega-3 is only and only found in fatty fish and some other forms of seafood, leaving vegetarians to only have supplements. However, it's not true at all. In fact, there are many quality sources of Omega-3 fatty acids which can be found in humble plant-based foods, vegetables and can be tried by those who do not wish to consume animal fat , poultry or seafood in any form. While there can be some differences in the quantities, today we list out 5 such top vegan and vegetarian sources of Omega-3.

Chia seeds
One of the most popular and trendy seeds, chia seeds has impressive benefits. While it's often touted to be an excellent weight-reducing and heart-healthy food ingredient, they also make for an excellent source of plant-based Omega-3 ALA fatty acids, containing upto 5g of them in a single serving. Since they are added to a lot of foods, including puddings, oatmeal, eaten with other nuts and seeds, they can be easily incorporated into one's diet and garner good health benefits. For even better benefits, you can consider preparing a trail mix of chia seeds with other nuts or including them in your everyday smoothies and shakes.

Some other seeds which also contain a good quantity of Omega-3 include hemp seeds and flax seeds.

A good option for vegans out there, some forms of algae-based nutrition, such as seaweed, nori, spirulina can also act as rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acid levels. They actually carry a lot of impressive health benefits, which make them a very popular choice these days and most nutritionists and dieticians recommend adding them. What's also good is that all of these contain a good source of AHA and DHA in them, which are essential to support brain and cognitive function. While the taste can take a while to get used to, seaweed, spirulina can be added to everyday foods in a variety of manners.

We often equate walnuts as the brain and heart healthy food, right? Well, it's one nut you must not miss out on having it everyday! It's an excellent and rich source of Omega-3 rich acids, containing as much as 3.34 g of Omega-3 fats, including AHA. Again, since there are multiple ways to enjoy them, make sure you use them aplenty. For better health benefits, some people also advise having soaked walnuts as well.

A soybean product made popular throughout Japan, edamame is also a good source of nutrition and packs in a good quantity of Omega-3 rich fatty acids in them. If you are a vegan, you should concentrate on including this in your diet, since the benefits are really wonderful. Apart from Omega-3 levels, they are also rich in plant-based proteins, which make it excellent to be added to salad bowls or had on their own. Apart from this, the use of soybean oil is also recommended because of its rich Omega-3 compositions.

Kidney beans
Would you believe it? Our very desi rajma can be an excellent way to add in Omega-3 levels to your plate. Rajma, or kidney beans are one of the most common forms of pulses in India and consumed as a staple food source globally and actually a very nourishing source of Omega-3. Around half a cup of its serving could add 0.10 g of Omega-3 in your everyday diet.

Brussel Sprouts
A cruciferous vegetable, brussel sprouts are not just an excellent source of Vitamin K, but also Omega-3 rich acids, apart from essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, phosphorus and fiber. Studies have detailed that an addition of brussel sprouts alone on a regular basis can cut down the risk of heart disease by upto 16% amongst healthy individuals. A single cup serving of brussel sprouts can contain anywhere between 50-70 mg of ALA, which can double or triple up when cooked! Consider having them steamed or cooked, as a part of your everyday meals or salads.

Canola Oil
If you are looking for a healthy oil to cook your meals in, canola oil can be your saviour, since it's so rich in Omega-3 content. A single spoonful of canola oil can contain upto 1.28g of Omega-3 rich fatty acid levels, which can fulfill the recommended dietary intake meant for women. It also has a light and neutral flavour to it, which matches upto meals well. There's also rich levels of Vitamin E and K present in the oil, which serve good health benefits as well.

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